These pictures were difficult to take, as the room in the hospital had very dim lighting. I went ahead and used the speedlite flash, bounced off the ceiling, to get some extra light that was as diffuse as I could make it.
I've been trying my hand at HDR photography recently. High Dynamic Range photography is a technique, for those of you who don't know, where several images are combined into one via a computer program. You take, for example, three images, one intentionally underexposed, one exposed correctly, and one slightly overexposed. None of the pictures, by themselves, are particularly great.

When you put them together into the photoshop automation program, however, the computer lines them up perfectly and takes the highlights from the less exposed image (which won't be blown out bright like on the overexposed image) and the shadows from the over exposed image (since they aren't completely black like on the darker one), and intelligently combines them with the middle, correctly exposed image, to create an image of impossibly perfect exposure.
Like this!

Other test images I took using this technique the other night:

I'm just dipping my big toe into the waters of this technique, but it certainly has potential. Till next time, folks!
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