A few fairly random recently taken images. Don't forget to click on them for larger versions which are much easier to look at.
This one is an attempt to catch a "shooting star" during the annual Perseid meteor shower a week or so ago. I don't see any evidence of meteors but the image is still way cool. Its a 402 second exposure, meaning my shutter was open for nearly 7 minutes straight. Its amazing how the stars show so many different colors as they swirl and twinkle through the sky.

A couple of classic cars at a small gas station car show at dusk. Available light only.

This is my new desktop wallpaper for my computer. 1932 Ford "low boy" hotrod. Absolutely classic. I love the reflection of the headlamp/suspension assembly in that flawless red paint.

Here, the sensation of speed is created by using a pretty slow shutter while carefully following the moving motorcycle. There are no blur effects done on the computer, all I did was remove some noise caused by the high ISO setting of the camera and crop the image slightly to make the composition better. You can see this same motion blur technique in one of the first photos I posted more than a year ago while trying to explain the various features of the camera. I've gotten better since then. :)

Here's some more attempts at High Dynamic Range. The aircraft is an F105 Thunderchief, of Vietnam War vintage, on static display at a small municipal airport. Of the 833 total "Thuds" produced, fully 382 were lost, meaning nearly half of the F105s ever built still litter the jungles of southeast Asia.
The sunset behind this rare survivor was spectacular, but due to the large brick sign placed in front of the plane finding a good angle to get the plane AND the sunset was nigh impossible. I did the best I could and came up with these.